Monday, August 9, 2021

#L-0 Japanese Speaking and Writing Exercise with Moto for N5 Basic level and Intermediate level, Grammar Topic: “How to remember Hiragana and Katakana”.

Improvement of Speaking and Writing


こんにちは。モトです。I am Japanese and I am teaching Japanese. In this series, I will share my practice way for N5 Beginner and Intermediate level learners who want to review.


If learners are studying Japanese only for JLPT as test preparation, it might be difficult to improve speaking and writing Japanese actually, because the test does not cover Speaking and Writing. Thus, we set a Goal to improve Speaking and Writing in this series while learning JLPT N5 Beginner topics.


Features and Advantages


While using Practice Sheet, we try to remember Question and Response sentences as Dialogue to learn how to use word and grammar. (Using story or dialogues, it could be easier to remember them efficiently.)


It is also good to partially hide some words in tables in Practice Sheet by hand to check your progress or you can also change part of words and make another sentence like improvisation music.


After Speaking, through making your sentences, you can improve Writing. (Based on your sentences, it is good to make your Practice Sheet and play Dialogues with other learners.)


I will apply Minna no Nihongo to speaking and writing practice that covers almost all topics introduced by Genki so Genki user can also use this series.


(I will cite English translation from the textbook as it is, or I try to translate some expressions by myself. Now I am also learning English so my translation and explanation could be not correct or not natural, sorry for that.)

However, today, as preparation for the series, I will just introduce how to remember Hiragana and Katakana and we will start the actual lesson from next time.

Lesson 0 “How to remember Hiragana”

I know just remembering a list of Hiragana is very tough. For me, using visual and a story make me remember easily. So, I will use pictures and make a story to remember Hiragana.

Preparation of Card

1, あか = Red Color

It is difficult to find out any appropriate picture for only one letter so I will make a set with か that is the first letter of row. We can remember あ andsimultaneously.

あ か means “red color”. Now we got  and . I found out appropriate picture like “red traffic light” from “Free illustration site いらすとや”, printed out it to make a picture card. (You can download a PDF for Hiragana table and links to pictures in my blog.)
So, I wrote あ and あか on the surface of the card and wrote “Red” on the back side. (I think it is also OK to write “Red color” on the surface and あか on the back side. It’s up to you.)

2, いか = Squid

I just came up with "squid いか", print out a picture of squid, wrote  and いか on the front side, wrote “Squid” on the other side.

3, いう=say え=Painting あお=Blue

I will do exactly same thing for remaining letters う、え、お in あ row.

To remember , I chose a verb “いう say” , print out picture and write いう and “Say”.

The forth one is “え Painting/picture”

The fifth one is . I chose あおblue and blue traffic light picture. (In Japan, green, yellow and red are introduced for traffic light but, for some reason. people say “あおしんごう blue traffic light” to describe green traffic light.)

4, To remember, Make a Story

Now I got all 5 letters for row “あ い う え お”. For me, to remember something firmly, it is good to make a story. Stranger story I make, more firmly I can remember so I will make a strange one that tends to leave strong impression.

For example, I imagine “There is a red traffic light and the letter  and . While I imagine the red traffic light, I try to write あか. I continue to imagine. “Suddenly, a squid comes close to the traffic light”. I try to practice writing いか. The squid says “いう”, something about “a Painting ”. I write いう and . The color of traffic light becomes Blue “あお. Finally. I practice あお.

5, Complete all pictures 

Like I showed, try to make all pictures for the remaining Hiragana in each row.

6, Reference to the pictures and make your cards

I will share a PDF File “Table of hiragana and links to the pictures” in my blog. Print out pictures, make your cards and stories to remember Hiragana.

☆☆☆“Table of hiragana and pictures list” 

Application to Katakana

I think it is also good to write “Katakana” on the cards and you can remember Hiragana and Katakana at the same time. (However, we use Hiragana and Katakana in different situation.)


Update Alert by SNS

I will continue to upload of this series for N5 Basic level. You can easily get each time update, if you follow my SNS account.




Other Activities

 Need correction? Check “Moto Writing Doujou”

 Self-learning Doujou with Moto



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