Friday, September 3, 2021

#15-5 Japanese Speaking and Writing from Scratch with Moto for JLPT N5 Beginner and Intermediate level, “Teform+います(Situation continues)”

Improvement of Speaking and Writing


こんにちは。モトです。I am Japanese and I am teaching Japanese. In this series, I will share my practice way for N5 Beginner and Intermediate level learners who want to review.


If learners are studying Japanese only for JLPT as test preparation, it might be difficult to improve speaking and writing Japanese actually, because the test does not cover Speaking and Writing. Thus, we set a Goal to improve Speaking and Writing in this series while learning JLPT N5 Beginner topics.



Features and Advantages


While using Practice Sheet, we try to remember Question and Response sentences as Dialogue to learn how to use word and grammar. (Using story or dialogues, it could be easier to remember them efficiently.)


It is also good to partially hide some words in tables in Practice Sheet by hand to check your progress or you can also change part of words and make another sentence like improvisation music.


After Speaking, through making your sentences, you can improve Writing. (Based on your sentences, it is good to make your Practice Sheet and play Dialogues with other learners.)


I will apply Minna no Nihongo to speaking and writing practice that covers almost all topics introduced by Genki so Genki user can also use this series.


(I will cite English translation from the textbook as it is, or I try to translate some expressions by myself. Now I am also learning English so my translation and explanation could be not correct or not natural, sorry for that.)



Instruction of Exercise


Before Speaking & Writing exercises, check vocabulary and grammar.



Step1 Vocabulary


I referred to words (I marked with) and their translations from Page 94-95 in Minna No Nihongo Second Edition Elementary Japanese 1, Translation & Grammar Notes – English. I also added other words.


to get married                 けっこんします    kekkonshimasu

to live                     ☆      すみます            sumimasu

a motorcycle                   バイク            baiku


To go back to home country and stay

(including temporal)         きこくします       kikokusimasu

To stay                  たいざいします     taizaisimasu



Step2 Grammar


So, Today’s grammar topic is Teform+います(Situation continues.


I cited below [*1] sentence from Page126, Lesson 15, 例文6 in みんなの日本語 初級版 本冊. To make dialogue structure, based on [*1] sentence, I wrote [*2] Response sentence as Person B’s line. I added “[ ] My grammar interpretation”.



☆☆Basic Example Dialogue”


A          ワンさんは けっこんしていますか。  [*1]

 wansanwa  kekkon siteimasuka 

  Is Mr. Wang married?


[In lesson14, we learned “Te from + います” to describe action in progress. In addition to that, we have another way to use “Specific verbs Te from +います”. When we say ワンさんは けっこんします, it means “Mr. Wang will get married.” After getting married, the situation “getting married” continues. When something happens and a situation still continues, we can use “Te form+います”. E.g. Getting married  The situation still continues →ワンさんは けっこん しています。→Question sentence is ワンさんは けっこんしていますか。]


B          いいえ、ワンさんは けっこんして(Teform) いません。   [*2]

  iie、  wan san wa kekkon shite        imasen

              No, he isn’t.

[When it comes to Negative, in a situation that anything did not happen and anything does not continue, we can use Teform+いません.]



Additional interpretation for practice


Another example:Something happens like “Person bought an item” and the situation that Person has/possess the item continues and then we can say “PersonNoun を もっています。


Something happens like “Person moved to a Place” and the situation “Person lives in a Place” still continues and we can say “Personは Placeに すんでいます。

Step3 Speaking Exercise


Watch the video. You can use Speaking Practice Sheet.



Speaking Practice Video↓


“Practice Sheet”



Step4 Writing Exercise


(W1) Read the above “☆☆Basic Example Dialogue” between Person A and B. The Dialogue contains Grammar topic in each time.


(W2) Try to make your dialogue between Person A&B like “☆Basic Example Dialogue”. In your dialogue, please try to use this time grammar topic Teform+います(Situation continues appropriately. Millions of mistakes are necessary for improvement, so you do not have to hesitate. 

N5 level learner, if you have difficulty to write Dialogue style sentence, it is OK to write single sentences with grammar topic and OK to use only Hiragana. (It is easy-to-read to make space between word and word).


(W3) It is good to ask your teacher or Japanese friends to correct your sentences.


For Intermediate Level Learners


(W4) See the below Advanced Example Dialogue”. Like the example, try to use this time Grammar topic Teform+います(Situation continues” at least once and make your original Dialogue. In other words, if you just use the topic at least once, you do not have to use the topic anymore and you can make your dialogue freely. It is also OK to add more Person A&B part to make longer Dialogue.



Advanced Example Dialogue”


A: Bさんは何台、車を所有していますか。


[所有しますー Teform is 所有していますーSituation continues.]


B: 2台もっていますよ。 私が通勤のために使っている車と、家族が使っている車の2台です。田舎に住んでいるので、バスや電車がほとんど無いんですよ。


A: そうですね。田舎に住んでいて、車がないと、とても不便ですよね。僕の友人も家族で、一人一台持っていますよ。


[もちますーTeform is もっていますーSituation continues.]


So, like this, while using Today’s grammar topic, write your dialogue and if you add [ ] explanation and English translation, it will be helpful to understand and correct your sentences.


(If you have a difficulty to find out someone to correct your sentences and want to ask me to correct your sentences, check my “Moto Writing Doujou”.)



Update Alert by SNS


I will continue to upload of this series for N5 Basic level. You can easily get each time update, if you follow my SNS account.







Other Activities


Need correction? Check Moto Writing Doujou


Self-learning Doujou with Moto





3A Corporation 2012, Minna No Nihongo Second Edition - Elementary Japanese1 Translation & Grammar Notes – English, 3A Corporation, Tokyo.

ISBN-10: 4883196046


スリーエーネットワーク(2012「みんなの日本語 初級第版 本冊」スリーエーネットワーク.

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