Saturday, February 19, 2022

第1回:Rising costs push up price of Belgium's fries: “ベルギーでフライドポテトの値上がりが問題なる”:モトさんの英語、日本語学習帳 Moto English Study Record & Japanese Learning Method

(1) Today's Topic


Title: ベルギーの国民食「フライドポテト」がピンチ!約10%値上げへ

Rising costs push up price of Belgium's fries

Reference: Reuters Japan


Hello, guys. I am learning English. I will share my English study record and language study method that might be useful for someone leaning English or Japanese. You can check the instruction how to use this content on the bottom of this page. I will regularly upload this series. If you are interested, follow my SNS.







(2) My English Study Record & Questions for Japanese Learners


0:03Belgium’s national dish is about to get pricier.Recently, in Japan, several fast food chain stores stopped selling M and L size potatoes because of a shortage of ingredients.

④Question for someone learning Japanese

0:10The fried potatoes sold from trucks and kiosks across the country are the latest victim of rising energy and raw material prices.In Japan, for some reason, a kiosk just means a small shop inside a train station and on station platforms. You can buy snacks, tabloid magazines, drinks and so forth.

④Question for someone learning Japanese


0:16Inflation in Belgium was 6.6 percent year on year in December.Japan’s inflation rate was just 0.5 % year on year in December.

④Question for someone learning Japanese

0:28He said they're not immune to the national picture.I did not know this expression. I thought people usually use the expression "immune" to disease but now I know people can use "immune" like in this situation.

0:50The boss of this fry stand says customers will understand because the prices have not changed in a long time.When we want to say 屋台Yatai in English, we can use Something + stand such as Takoyaki stand, Okonomiyaki stands at summer festivals.

④Question for someone learning Japanese




- Instruction: How to use this material –


(3) For Who: どんな学習者向けのコンテンツか




To study English, I am using some YouTube videos. I will share my way of learning and practice for people learning English. Moreover, I will introduce some information/expressions related to Japanese Society and Culture for someone learning Japanese.


(4) How to improve Speaking & Writing: 会話、作文の勉強方法


①英語の勉強をしている方は、毎回載せてある引用元動画をみてください。YouTube の字幕機能をONにして、自分が気になった表現のみ、動画を止めて、何も見ずに言えるようになるまでシャドーイングしながら、表現をExcelGoogleスプレッドシートに書き写してください。


(For English Learner), I will introduce short YouTube video each time. Turn of subtitle on and check the video that I refer to. Only when you find a sentence with interesting/unknown expressions, just stop the video, repeat the whole sentences until you remember. Try to transcribe the whole sentence to Excel/Google Sheets as your Expression List.  




(For English Learner), While you are checking the sentence that you find interesting, please tell something as Monologue reaction (You can check whether you can react immediately and comment on various topics. This could be Speaking Practice).


Additionally, try to transcribe something that you said and type it next to the first sentence from video. You can do self-correction (This part could be Writing Practice).


If you are learning in a language school, it is also good for you to ask your teachers to correct your sentences (Accumulation of precise expressions) .




When I do this Speaking and Writing Practice, I often try to link the topic of sentence from the video to the situation of Japan, talk and write something. Thanks to this practice, I can increase topics of conversation about Japanese situation and can apply them when I talk with someone in English.



I was talking about [1] Speaking, Quick response to various topics, [2] Writing, Getting Correction and Precise Expressions, [3] Increase of Conversation Topics. If you like, please refer to my learning method.



(For Japanese Learner) You can also apply the same way to your Japanese study. Check the video with Japanese subtitle. When you find out interesting expressions, just stop the video, repeat “Shadowing” until you remember the line, transcribe the sentences onto Google Sheets to make your expression list. (Tip: You do not have to check all sentences in a video. It is OK to just check few sentences that you find interesting).   




I will also introduce some questions for someone learning Japanese. You can find out some hints from the official subtitles in the video or my English comment, if necessary, try to look up words/expressions in the online Japanese dictionary and try to write answer sentences responding to my Question. It is also good for you to ask your teacher to correct your writing.



If you like, post your comment/answer sentences below on the Twitter as Reply. This could be very useful for other learners. I cannot check all of your comment or sentences (especially off topic) because I have limited time, but sometimes I will comment back.

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