Tuesday, June 16, 2020

#13 Japanese Writing Club with Moto: Topic: Are you satisfied with your country's response to the coronavirus outbreak so far? Why? Why not? あなたは自分の国のコロナウイルスの感染対策に満足ですか。何故満足ですか、もしくは不満ですか?

Aim of Japanese Writing Club 

I am learning English and I want to improve more. Thus, making video or writing blog with English translation is a good practice for me.

On the other hand, I’m also interested in introducing how to practice Japanese. Thus, I am writing blog or making video about learning Japanese.

As you know, one of important things to improve writing is to write a lot. Thus, I think it is better for us to have co-learning online that we check an article, we try to write question sentence, write its answer as writing practice and share them on Reddit or YouTube comment.

Writing Practice: What will we do? 

Level 1: For Basic Level Learner

This time topic is “コロナウイルス対策”.. I am going to give you a question Are you satisfied with your country's response to the coronavirus outbreak so far? Why? Why not? あなたは自分の国のコロナウイルスの感染対策に満足ですか。何故満足ですか、もしくは不満ですか?。” I referred to this question from an article “World Bank Predicts Largest Global Downturn Since 1940s in DMM Eikaiwa. DMM Eikaiwa is a website for Japanese guys learning English. I will apply the question to Japanese writing practice. To practice Japanese writing, try to write answer in Japanese and if you like, share on the comment in Reddit.

If you have difficulty to use Kanji, only using Hiragana and Katakana is also OK. This is just practice so don’t hesitate and just try. If you also have difficulty to read Kanji, use this web site put Kanji and push “ひらがな”.


Q: Are you satisfied with your country's response to the coronavirus outbreak so far? Why? Why not? あなたは自分の国のコロナウイルスの感染対策に満足ですか。何故満足ですか、もしくは不満ですか?

Example Answer

I am not satisfied with countermeasures for corona virus implemented by Japanese government.

First, I think the government should have implemented restriction of immigration earlier from specific countries that had outbreak..  

As of the end of January, I agreed with opinions that some Japanese specialists had already expressed the necessity of strict restriction.

Moreover, the government should have decided to cancel the Olympics in Tokyo earlier.

To avoid economic loss, central and Tokyo metropolitan government clung to holding the Olympics. That delayed government’s quick response for infection control.

When it comes to reconstruction measures for economy, government should provide additional 200,000 Yen as temporary benefits to the Japanese nation and reduce consumption tax down to 5%, because the adverse effect by coronavirus on economy will continue.

Level 2: For Intermediate Level Learner

(1) I introduce an article World Bank Predicts Largest Global Downturn Since 1940s from DMM Eikaiwa. DMM Eikaiwa is a web site for Japanese people learning English. I try to apply this web site to Japanese writing activity.

To understand topic, read the introduced article in DMM Eikaiwa. News Article sometimes has Japanese Translation but sometimes does not have Japanese Translation. This is not reading practice so if you cannot understand Japanese translation, it is OK to just read English sentences to understand the topic.

Link: DMMEikaiwa

(2) Under the news article in DMM Eikaiwa, you can find out “Questions”, “Discussion” and “Further Discussion”. We do not use “Questions”. This is because “Questions” is made up of easy questions and it seems to be designed for reading activity. Thus, please choose one question from “Discussion” or “Further Discussion” for your writing. 

(3) Try to write your answer sentences and if you like, share on the comment in Reddit. To make sure which question you chose, it is better to write the question that you referred to in “Discussion” or “Further Discussion”

Question and Comment

If you have some questions about topic or some Japanese expressions to write question and answer, ask me in the comment section on Reddit. It is also OK to ask Japanese culture or current situation related to the topic. If you ask me something in English, I will respond in English. If Japanese, I will respond in Japanese. That might be good practice in writing. Although I cannot respond to all because I have limitation of time, I try to comment.


Now, your turn. Try to write answers in accordance with Level 1-3 and share your writings in the comment section on Reddit. 

Go to comment on Reddit


OK, that’s all for today. Thanks for checking. Bye bye.

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DMM Eikaiwa 2020, World Bank Predicts Largest Global Downturn Since 1940s,