Saturday, February 26, 2022

第3回: Why it's almost impossible to lose things in Japan - BBC REEL:モトさんの英語、日本語学習帳 Moto English Study Record & Translation for Japanese Learners

(1) Today's Topic



Title: Why it's almost impossible to lose things in Japan

Reference: BBC REEL




Hello, guys. I am learning English. I will share my English study record and language study method that might be useful for someone leaning English or Japanese. You can check the instruction how to use this content on the bottom of this page. I will regularly upload this series. If you are interested, follow my SNS.







(2) My English Study Record & Questions for Japanese Learners


Time①Taking Note & Shadowing: 気になった表現のみ覚えるまでShadowingしながら書く。②My Reaction: 英語で、日本の現状や文化に絡めてリアクションを話す、書く(ミスしてOK)、作文を先生に添削してもらう。
0:04In 2019, the total amount of lost cash handed over to us was a record high about 3.88 billion yen (34 million USD).Japanese people prefer using cash. Thus, the amount of lost cash is a lot.
Time③My rough translation for someone learning Japanese

0:14Of that amount, 2.84 billion yen was returned to their owners.-

0:26Every year, millions of personal items go missing in Japan.-

1:09Tokyo holds a large percentage than the rest of Japan.-

1:45But some unlucky ones rarely find their way back to their owners.I think this is very unique way of saying in English. The way of saying is very different form Japanese. So, If I try to translate it literally, it will not make sense or not natural. Free translation is better.

1:49The lowest rate of return is for umbrellas which is less than one percent.I have not expected the preposition "for".

2:03But what is the secret to Japan's successful lost and found system?I have not expected the preposition "secret" "to".

2:27- hearing out our citizens about issues that could cause problems,-

2:37The community based approach and the ubiquity of Kobans make it easy to report a missing item.-

3:34It's not uncommon to see large sums like one million yen in cash being handed over.-

4:12I personally think that Japan's moral education has played an important role in shaping our attitude to lost properties.-

5:16Japanese people care deeply about how other people view their behavior.I think idea/culture of "恥、はじ" could bring this societal eyes = "Japanese care deeply about how other people view their behavior."

5:28The moral discipline is upheld even in the face of natural disasters.-

5:57But the center still received 2.8 million items to keep busy.-

6:04Please keep an eye out for lost properties!-


- Instruction: How to use this material –


(3) For Who: どんな学習者向けのコンテンツか




To study English, I am using some YouTube videos. I will share my way of learning and practice for people learning English. Moreover, I will introduce some information/expressions related to Japanese Society and Culture for someone learning Japanese.


(4) How to improve Speaking & Writing: 会話、作文の勉強方法


①英語の勉強をしている方は、毎回載せてある引用元動画をみてください。YouTube の字幕機能をONにして、自分が気になった表現のみ、動画を止めて、何も見ずに言えるようになるまでシャドーイングしながら、表現をExcelGoogleスプレッドシートに書き写してください。


(For English Learner), I will introduce short YouTube video each time. Turn of subtitle on and check the video that I refer to. Only when you find a sentence with interesting/unknown expressions, just stop the video, repeat the whole sentences until you remember. Try to transcribe the whole sentence to Excel/Google Sheets as your Expression List. 




(For English Learner), While you are checking the sentence that you find interesting, please tell something as Monologue reaction (You can check whether you can react immediately and comment on various topics. This could be Speaking Practice).


Additionally, try to transcribe something that you said and type it next to the first sentence from video. You can do self-correction (This part could be Writing Practice).


If you are learning in a language school, it is also good for you to ask your teachers to correct your sentences (Accumulation of precise expressions) .




When I do this Speaking and Writing Practice, I often try to link the topic of sentence from the video to the situation of Japan, talk and write something. Thanks to this practice, I can increase topics of conversation about Japanese situation and can apply them when I talk with someone in English.


以上のように、私の考える会話上達の必要要素は、次の3点です。[]話題に瞬時に反応できる、瞬発力、[]文を作って、エラーを繰り返しながらも正しい文を学び蓄積していく、[]話題のネタ数を増やす。 これらの要素鍛えるために、私の勉強方法を参考にしてみてください。


I was talking about [1] Speaking, Quick response to various topics, [2] Writing, Getting Correction and Precise Expressions, [3] Increase of Conversation Topics. If you like, please refer to my learning method.





(For Japanese Learner) I just tried to translate some sentences roughly. I hope that might be useful for someone learning Japanese.




If you like, try to write your impression “What you felt?” about this time Video in English or Japanese as Writing Practice and post it on below Twitter as Reply. I have limited time so, I cannot check frequently but, sometimes I will comment back.


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