(1) Today's Topic
Title: 「預金が引き出せない」モスクワでATMに長い行列、市民の不安拡大
Reference: Reuters Japan
guys. I am learning English. I will share my English study record and language
study method that might be useful for someone leaning English or Japanese. You
can check the instruction how to use this content on the bottom of this page. I
will regularly upload this series. If you are interested, follow my SNS.
(2) My English Study Record & Verb List for Japanese Learners
- Instruction: How to use this
material –
(3) For Who: どんな学習者向けのコンテンツか
study English, I am using some YouTube videos. I will share my way of learning and practice
for people learning English. Moreover, I will introduce some information/expressions
related to Japanese Society and Culture for someone learning Japanese.
(4) How to improve Speaking & Writing: 会話、作文の勉強方法
英語の勉強をしている方は、毎回載せてある引用元動画をみてください。YouTube の字幕機能をONにして、自分が気になった表現のみ、動画を止めて、何も見ずに言えるようになるまでシャドーイングしながら、表現をExcelやGoogleスプレッドシートに書き写してください。
(For English Learners), I will introduce short YouTube video each time. Turn
of subtitle on and check the video that I refer to. Only when you find a
sentence with interesting/unknown expressions, just stop the video, repeat the
whole sentences until you remember. Try to transcribe the whole sentence to Excel/Google
Sheets as your Expression List.
2, (For Japanese
Learners), Look at the above ② list. I picked up only Verbs
in Japanese because a Verb is very important to structure a sentence. The verb
List might be helpful for someone learning Japanese.
(For English Learners) I use the Verb list. Without looking at the ① answer list,
just look at the Japanese verb, try to remember the English Verb, and try to remember
Subject and Object to make minimum SVO structure. As practice, making minimum
structure is enough but if you like, try to make longer, complete sentence by
adding adjectives and adverbs.
4, 気が向いたら、今回の動画を見てどう思ったか、感想を英語か日本語で作文の練習を兼ねて書いてみてください。そして下のTwitterからReplyしてみてください。忙しい時もあるので、全部はチェックできませんが(特にトピックと関係のないもの)、時々返信しようと思います。
4, If you like, try to write your impression “What you felt?” about this time Video in English or Japanese as Writing Practice and post it on below Twitter as Reply. I have limited time so, I cannot check frequently but, sometimes I will comment back.
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