Saturday, February 8, 2020

#1 Moto Writing Doujou, "Smart Carts Could Change How We Shop スマートカート、買い物方法を変える可能性"

Aim of Japanese Writing Club 

I am learning English and I want to improve more. Thus, making video or writing blog with English translation is a good practice for me.

On the other hand, I’m also interested in introducing how to practice Japanese. Thus, I am writing blog or making video about learning Japanese.

As you know, one of important things to improve writing is to write a lot.
Thus, I think it is better for us to have co-learning online that we check an article, we try to write question sentence, write its answer as writing practice and share them on Reddit or YouTube comment.

Writing Practice: What will we do? 

(1) To understand topics, read the introduced article in my Blog. This is not reading practice so if you cannot understand Japanese translation, it is OK to just read English sentences to understand the topic.

If you have difficulties to read some Kanji in the article, use below web site to change Kanji to hiragana. Copy and paste Kanji and push ひらがな button.

(2) From the article, pick up some words. This is just preparation to come up with ideas to make a question sentence. I will show you how to do that in Blog.

(3) Come up with a question sentence, write a question sentence and answer by yourself. You do not have to make a question sentence strictly related to article’s topic. It is also OK to make a question that you just use key words introduced in the article. I will show you examples in Blog.

(4) If you like, share your question and answer sentences in the comment section on Reddit. (It is also OK for you to respond to someone’s question)

☆(5If you have questions about topic or some Japanese expressions in the article, please ask me in the comment section on Reddit. It is also OK to ask Japanese culture or current situation related to introduced article. If you ask me something in English, I will respond in English. If Japanese, I will respond in Japanese. That might be good practice in writing. Although I cannot respond to all because I have limitation of time, I try to comment.

(6) If I find a good sentence or good mistakes in your shared writing,
☆☆☆I might introduce your writing in another video or blog next time.☆☆☆
because they might be useful for other learners. Thus, if you don’t want to be introduced, please write “紹介しないでね!I don’t wanna my writing to be introduced” with your writing.

Read Article

Non () Japanese is original translation introduced in DMM Eikaiwa. ()Japanese is my version of translation.

DMM Eikaiwa is a web site for Japanese guy learning English so original translation might be intentionally understandable for them. That’s why some Japanese expressions might be not natural. Thus, I add my version.

Let’s read the article below.

------------------------Start here news article ------------------------
Smart Carts Could Change How We Shop

"Smart" shopping carts that register your items as you shop, recognize your face, and help you find products are being tested in supermarkets.
買い物の際に商品を記録し、顔を認識し、商品を探すのを 手伝う「スマート」ショッピングカートがスーパーマーケットで試験導入されている。  

(買い物の際に商品を記録し、顔を認識し、商品を探すのを 手伝う「スマート」ショッピングカートがスーパーマーケットで試験的に導入されている。)    

One company leading the way is Caper in New York. Its Smart Carts allow people to scan products as they shop and pay for them by card.
先頭を行く1つの企業はニューヨークのケイパーだ。 スマートカートにより、買い物の際に商品をスキャンし、カードでの支払いが可能になる。


It also lets supermarkets send customers discounts and suggest items as they shop, with Caper saying that communicating with shoppers this way means people buy an average of 18% more per shopping trip.


Supermarket business Sobeys in Canada is trying Caper's Smart Cart in one of its Ontario stores, Supermarket News reports.


Mathieu Lacoursiere from Sobeys said that this is a way of testing new technology to improve the shopping experience, and give store staff more time to talk with customers and answer questions about products.


Supermarket News also says that the screens on the carts will one day be able to help Sobeys customers find items in stores, and that as the technology gets better, they won't even have to scan items – the cart will know what they are as they go in.



In Beijing, high-tech supermarket 7Fresh in the Dazu Plaza Shopping Center has its own smart carts.


These carts follow shoppers around the store while they fill them. At the end of the shopping trip, customers can show their face to a camera that recognizes them and takes the payment.
これらのカートは顧客がその中に入れていく間、後について店内を回る。 買い物の最後に、顧客は認識カメラに自分の顔を見せ、支払いが行われる。

------------------------Until here news article -------------------------
DMM Eikaiwa 2020, Smart Carts Could Change How We Shopスマートカート、買い物方法を変える可能性,

’Pick up some words as preparation 

I try to pick up some words because some words might be clues to come up with question and answer sentence.

Example Expressions


Shopping basket

Shopping cart

Shopping cart registers your items.

Customer can pay for the items by credit card. (advantage for customer)

Shopping cart sends discount to customer. (advantage for customer)

Shopping cart sends information about items to customer. (advantage for customer)

Thanks to new technology, sales per customer increase. (advantage for shops)

In the future, high tech cart will help customerfind out items in a store.

In the future, customer will not need to scan items.

In Beijing’s supermarket, people can pay for items by facial recognition system. (New technology, Sideway)

Example Question sentence & Answer

If we make a question asking too much detail, and requiring special knowledge, only limited number of people can answer. That is not good question for practice. Thus, I try to make simple question.


In above introduced essay, while I was trying to pick up words, I realized it introduces only advantages. Thus, I think it might be more exciting to make question that let us think not only advantages but also disadvantages.

I just simply ask “advantage and disadvantage”.

If we introduce high tech shopping cart in the future, what kind of advantage and disadvantage will we have?

Now, I try to answer the question by myself for practice.

An advantage is to save time in shopping. When it comes to disadvantage, when we have natural disaster, that could bring large scale of power cut. In this situation, people cannot buy anything if they depend on smart cart system.

北海道では2018年の地震の際に、スマートフォンを使ったオンライン決済のシステムが一部で使えなくて物が買えなかったという報告があったので, 社会の安全インフラとして、ある程度はアナログな方法も残しておいたほうがいいと思います。
Hokkaido experienced earthquake in 2018. At that time, people reported that although they wanted to buy food and water right after earthquake, they could not use cashless online payment by smart phone because of blackout. Therefore, I think it might be good to remain conventional way as security infrastructure.

Going to sideway

I think there might be other strategy to make questions like “Going to sideway”.

We do not have to adhere to make question strictly related to “smart cart” so we can make question by using other key words introduced in the article such as “supermarket”, “facial recognition system”.

For example, “What kind of differences does your country’s supermarket have compared with other country’s supermarkets?”


As you see, I try to make simple question and little bit going to sideway while I use a keyword introduced in the article.

Another example,

What do you think about introduction of facial recognition system in various fields in the future?

That also looks combination “simple question” and “going to sideway”.


Now, your turn. If you want to practice, try to pick up words, come up with question, answer by yourself, share your writings in the comment section on Reddit or YouTube. It is also good for you to respond to questions posted by other guys.

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OK, that’s all for today. Thanks for checking. Bye bye.

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DMM Eikaiwa 2020, Smart Carts Could Change How We Shopスマートカート、買い物方法を変える可能性,