Tuesday, February 11, 2020

#2 Moto Writing Doujou, "McDonald's to Offer Rice Burgers in Japan マクドナルド、日本でごはんバーガーを提供"

Aim of Japanese Writing Club 

I am learning English and I want to improve more. Thus, making video or writing blog with English translation is a good practice for me.

On the other hand, I’m also interested in introducing how to practice Japanese. Thus, I am writing blog or making video about learning Japanese.

As you know, one of important things to improve writing is to write a lot.
Thus, I think it is better for us to have co-learning online that we check an article, we try to write question sentence, write its answer as writing practice and share them on Reddit.

Writing Practice: What will we do? 

(1) To understand topics, read the introduced article in my Blog. This is not reading practice so if you cannot understand Japanese translation, it is OK to just read English sentences to understand the topic.

If you have difficulties to read some Kanji in the article, use below web site to change Kanji to hiragana. Copy and paste Kanji and push ひらがな button.

(2) From the article, pick up some words. This is just preparation to come up with ideas to make a question sentence. I will show you how to do that in Blog.

(3) Come up with a question sentence, write a question sentence and answer by yourself. You do not have to make a question sentence strictly related to article’s topic. It is also OK to make a question that you just use key words introduced in the article. I will show you examples in Blog.

(4) If you like, share your question and answer sentences in the comment section on Reddit. (It is also OK for you to respond to someone’s question)

☆(5If you have questions about topic or some Japanese expressions in the article, please ask me in the comment section on Reddit. It is also OK to ask Japanese culture or current situation related to introduced article. If you ask me something in English, I will respond in English. If Japanese, I will respond in Japanese. That might be good practice in writing. Although I cannot respond to all because I have limitation of time, I try to comment.

Read Article

Non () Japanese is original translation introduced in DMM Eikaiwa. ()Japanese is my version of translation.

DMM Eikaiwa is a web site for Japanese guy learning English so original translation might be intentionally understandable for them. That’s why some Japanese expressions might be not natural. Thus, I add my version.

Let’s read the article below.

------------------------Start here news article ------------------------
McDonald's to Offer Rice Burgers in Japan

McDonald's will sell burgers with buns made of rice – or "gohan burgers" – in its restaurants in Japan from February 5 until mid-May 2020.

CNN Business reports that the rice burger buns will be made with rice grown in Japan and soy sauce.

There will be three types of rice bun burger for customers to choose from: the Bacon Lettuce Burger, the Teriyaki McBurger and the Chicken Filet O'.


The new burgers will be part of the fast food restaurant's "Night Mac" menu, which customers can buy from 5 p.m. to closing time.


SoraNews24 says that before McDonald's announced the rice burgers, it sent a tweet just saying, "Ahh, I want to eat rice …"


This got people on the internet trying to guess what it meant, with some thinking that McDonald's was going to put the rice and breaded pork cutlet it sold in the 1990s back on the menu.


"People didn't know there was going to be a new product so it created a lot of suspense. Everyone had a lot of hope for what it would be," Kokoro Toyama from McDonald's Japan told CNN Business.
「人々は新しい商品が出ることを知らなかったので、多くのそわそわ感を生んだ。 それが何かについて誰もが多くの期待を抱いた」と日本マクドナルドのココロ・トヤマはCNNビジネスに語った。


Toyama also explained that McDonald's had found out that Japanese people in their 30s and 40s preferred rice to bread with dinner, but still wanted to enjoy the burgers they ate when they were younger.


McDonald's isn't the first company to make a rice bun burger, however. Japanese burger restaurant MOS Burger has had one since 1987.
しかし、マクドナルドはごはんバーガーを作った最初の会社ではない。 日本のハンバーガーレストランであるモスバーガーには、1987年からそれが存在する。

(ただ、マクドナルドが日本でごはんバーガーを作った最初の会社ではなく、 モスバーガーは、1987年から既に販売している。)
------------------------Until here news article -------------------------
DMM Eikaiwa 2020, McDonald's to Offer Rice Burgers in Japan マクドナルド、日本でごはんバーガーを提供 https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/app/daily-news/article/mcdonalds-to-offer-rice-burgers-in-japan/inwdXELYEeqaRKf2AN_hIA

’Pick up some words as preparation 

I try to pick up some words because some words might be clues to come up with question and answer sentence.

Example Expressions

マクドナルド MacDonald’s

ハンバーガー hamburger
メニュー menu

ファストフード fast food
ごはん rice

パン bread

販売する sell
発売 start to sell
日本産 items produced in Japan

種類 type

購入する buy

ネットユーザー internet user

再販売 resale, sell something again

期待感 expectation

Example Question sentence & Answer

If we make a question asking too much detail, and requiring special knowledge, only limited number of people can answer. That is not good question for practice. Thus, I try to make simple question.


Now I try to make simple questions. The topic for the article is McDonald's and McDonald's is of course fast food restaurant so I chose “fast food” as a topic for question like this.

Q: どのファストフードレストランによく行きますか。それはなぜですか。
I think asking “why” is really important leading to exciting discussion.

A: 家の近くにマックとバーガーキングがありますが、私はバーガーキングのほうによくいきます。 There are Macdonald’s and Burger King near my house. I prefer Burger King to McDonald's.

私が住んでいるエリアでは、バーガーキングのコーヒーは少しマックより高いですが、バーガーキングのコーヒーはマックのコーヒーより美味しいので、それがよく行く理由です。 In my town, the coffee price of Burger King is little more expensive than that of Mac but I think Burger King’s coffee is much more tasty than that of Mac. That’s why I often go to Burger King.

あと、バーガーキングのフライドポテトは、おそらく注文が入ってから揚げる方式だと思うので、ポテトも、マックより美味しいと思います。なので、バーガーキングへよく行きます。In addition to that, I think Burger King’s fried potato is fried to order. Thus, I think its potato is more tasy than that of Mac. That is also one of reasons.


Now, your turn. If you want to practice, try to pick up words, come up with question, answer by yourself, share your writings in the comment section on Reddit or YouTube. It is also good for you to respond to questions posted by other guys.

Go to comment on Reddit


OK, that’s all for today. Thanks for checking. Bye bye.

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DMM Eikaiwa 2020, McDonald's to Offer Rice Burgers in Japan マクドナルド、日本でごはんバーガーを提供 https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/app/daily-news/article/mcdonalds-to-offer-rice-burgers-in-japan/inwdXELYEeqaRKf2AN_hIA