Thursday, February 13, 2020

#3 Japanese Writing Club with Moto, "How to Be Successful at Online Dating オンラインデートで成功する方法"

Aim of Japanese Writing Club 

I am learning English and I want to improve more. Thus, making video or writing blog with English translation is a good practice for me.

On the other hand, I’m also interested in introducing how to practice Japanese. Thus, I am writing blog or making video about learning Japanese.

As you know, one of important things to improve writing is to write a lot.
Thus, I think it is better for us to have co-learning online that we check an article, we try to write question sentence, write its answer as writing practice and share them on Reddit or YouTube comment.

Writing Practice: What will we do? 

(1) To understand topics, read the introduced article in my Blog. This is not reading practice so if you cannot understand Japanese translation, it is OK to just read English sentences to understand the topic.

If you have difficulties to read some Kanji in the article, use below web site to change Kanji to hiragana. Copy and paste Kanji and push ひらがな button.

(2) From the article, pick up some words. This is just preparation to come up with ideas to make a question sentence. I will show you how to do that in Blog.

(3) Come up with a question sentence, write a question sentence and answer by yourself. You do not have to make a question sentence strictly related to article’s topic. It is also OK to make a question that you just use key words introduced in the article. I will show you examples blow in Blog.

(4) If you like, share your question and answer sentences in the comment section on Reddit. (It is also OK for you to respond to someone’s question)

5If you have questions about topic or some Japanese expressions in the article, please ask me in the comment section on Reddit. It is also OK to ask Japanese culture or current situation related to introduced article. If you ask me something in English, I will respond in English. If Japanese, I will respond in Japanese. That might be good practice in writing. Although I cannot respond to all because I have limitation of time, I try to comment.

Read Article

Non () Japanese is original translation introduced in DMM Eikaiwa. ()Japanese is my version of translation.

DMM Eikaiwa is a web site for Japanese guy learning English so original translation might be intentionally understandable for them. That’s why some Japanese expressions might be not natural. Thus, I add my () version.

Let’s read the article below.

------------------------Start here news article ------------------------
How to Be Successful at Online Dating

A 2019 study found that online dating is now the most popular way for people in the US to find partners.


So if you're more likely to find love through an app than through a friend, what can be done to improve your dating profile?


Choose the Right Pictures
Pictures are how you make your first impression. However, they shouldn't just show your good side, but also your personality. Start with your best, recent photo. Having both a close-up of your face and a full body photo is also a good idea.

写真はあなたの第一印象を与える方法だ。 しかし、それはあなたの良い面だけを見せるものではなく、あなたの性格も表すものでなければならない。 1番良い最近の写真で始めよう。 あなたの顔のアップと全身の写真を載せるのは良い考えだ。



The rest of your photos should each show a different part of your life, like you enjoying a hobby or having fun on a trip.


Avoid using pictures with groups of people, because it could be difficult to tell which person is you.


The 70/30 Rule
A 2014 study found that the most successful dating profiles were those that were 70% about the user and 30% about what they were looking for in a partner.




It also found that using simple language and being funny was helpful.


Keep Your Profile Updated
Make sure to update your profile often, particularly if there's been a big change in your life. Some dating websites will actually promote your profile more if you update it often.




Be Honest
Don't lie about important parts of your life, like if you have kids or pets, if you smoke, or where you live.




Lies can destroy relationships, and if you're honest it will be easier to find someone who likes you for who you really are.


------------------------Until here news article -------------------------
DMM Eikaiwa 2020, How to Be Successful at Online Dating オンラインデートで成功する方法,

’Pick up some words as preparation 

I try to pick up some words because some words might be clues to come up with question and answer sentence.

Example Expressions

オンラインデートアプリ or 出会い系アプリOnline dating app

彼氏 boy friend
彼女 girl friend
出会い finding out and meeting partner

第一印象 first impression

プロフィールを更新する updating profile

Example Question sentence & Answer

The topic of article is “Dating App”. Like I said, we do not have to make question that is strictly related to “Dating App”. I just try to make general question asking “how to find partner”


Q あなたの国で、あたらしい彼氏、彼女を見つけたい時、どんな方法が一般的ですか? その方法についてどう思いますか。
To find out new partner, what kind of way is popular in your country? And what do you think about it?

Now, I try to answer by myself for practice.

A: 60年、70年くらい前は、結婚するためのパートナーを見つけたい人達には、お見合いが一般的だったそうです。
I heard old days, 60-70 years ago, “omiai” was one of popular way to find a partner especially for people that want to get married.

Friends, relatives, colleagues or boss in a company introduce someone that wants to get married to another someone that also wants to get married and arrange their meeting in somewhere like a restaurant.

After several time meetings, the couple decides whether they continue to go out with each other having marriage in mind.

In some cases, I heard that there were some couples that decided marriage after only one meeting.

These days, holding or joining gouokon”, party for singles, is popular way to find new partner.

The guys organizing or joining goukon try to invite other male and female friends and have a party in izakaya or karaoke restaurants.

In a party, people introduce themselves, enjoy games, karaoke, become friends and exchange contacts to create chance to go out with someone.


Using dating app is also popular in Japan.

I heard the apps that have most participants are “Pairs” and “Tapple” in Japan.   

I think dating app is very convenient because people can easily check someone’s information, what someone likes or dislikes from profiles.


On the other hand, I sometimes hear that someone using dating app were involved in fraud or some troubles. Thus, I think using apps carefully is better.

Other examples for making questions

Q: あなたの、おすすめのパートナーの見つけ方はなんですか。
What kind of technique is your best way to find out a partner?

Q: 友人で、出会い系アプリで知り合い、結婚した人はいますか。その後、幸せになれましたか。
Do you have a friend that found a partner by using app and got married? Do they become happy?


Have you ever told a lie about your profile on dating app and what kind of lie?


Now, your turn. If you want to practice, try to pick up words, come up with question, answer by yourself, share your writings in the comment section on Reddit or YouTube. It is also good for you to respond to questions posted by other guys.

Go to comment on Reddit


OK, that’s all for today. Thanks for checking. Bye bye.

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DMM Eikaiwa 2020, How to Be Successful at Online Dating オンラインデートで成功する方法,