Tuesday, March 3, 2020

#5 Japanese Writing Club with Moto, "Italian Town to Help Pay New Residents' Rent イタリアの町、新しい住民の家賃を補助"

Aim of Japanese Writing Club 

I am learning English and I want to improve more. Thus, making video or writing blog with English translation is a good practice for me.

On the other hand, I’m also interested in introducing how to practice Japanese. Thus, I am writing blog or making video about learning Japanese.

As you know, one of important things to improve writing is to write a lot.
Thus, I think it is better for us to have co-learning online that we check an article, we try to write question sentence, write its answer as writing practice and share them on Reddit.

Writing Practice: What will we do? 

(1) To understand topics, read the introduced article in my Blog. This is not reading practice so if you cannot understand Japanese translation, it is OK to just read English sentences to understand the topic.

If you have difficulties to read some Kanji in the article, use below web site to change Kanji to hiragana. Copy and paste Kanji and push ひらがな button.

(2) From the article, pick up some words. This is just preparation to come up with ideas to make a question sentence. I will show you how to do that in Blog.

(3) Come up with a question sentence, write a question sentence and answer by yourself. You do not have to make a question sentence strictly related to article’s topic. It is also OK to make a question that you just use key words introduced in the article. I will show you examples in Blog.

(4) If you like, share your question and answer sentences in the comment section on Reddit. (It is also OK for you to respond to someone’s question)

5If you have questions about topic or some Japanese expressions in the article, please ask me in the comment section on Reddit. It is also OK to ask Japanese culture or current situation related to introduced article. If you ask me something in English, I will respond in English. If Japanese, I will respond in Japanese. That might be good practice in writing. Although I cannot respond to all because I have limitation of time, I try to comment.

Read Article

Non () Japanese is original translation introduced in DMM Eikaiwa. ()Japanese is my version of translation.

DMM Eikaiwa is a web site for Japanese guy learning English so original translation might be intentionally understandable for them. That’s why some Japanese expressions might be not natural. Thus, I add my () version.

Let’s read the article below.

------------------------Start here news article ------------------------
Italian Town to Help Pay New Residents' Rent

The town of Teora in Italy is offering to give new residents money to help pay their rent as it tries to get more people to move to the town.


CNN says Teora will give new residents €150 per month (around $162) to help them pay their rent, or €5,000 ($5,400) to help those who want to buy a home in the town.


An online search for houses and apartments for sale in Teora shows prices from around $27,000 for a three-room apartment, up to $140,000 for a three-bedroom house on more than two thousand square-meters of land.


Renting in Teora can cost as little as $215 per month.


Teora's population fell after a serious earthquake destroyed a lot of the town in 1980. Many young people and families moved away after it and never came back. Today, Teora is home to less than 1,500 people. 1980年に大地震が町の多くを破壊し、テオーラの人口は減少した。 その後、多くの若者や家族が引っ越し、戻ってはこなかった。 現在、テオーラに住んでいるのは1,500人に満たない。

(1980年に起こった大地震で多くの家が破壊され、テオーラの人口は急減した。 地震の後、多くの若者や家族が町を離れ、戻ってはこなかった。 現在、テオーラの人口は1500人に満たない。)

A number of towns in Italy have been selling homes for as little as €1 as they try to grow their populations. イタリアの多くの町は人口を増やす努力をしており、わずか1ユーロで家を販売している。


But Stefano Farina, the mayor of Teora, doesn't think that selling houses cheaply is a good idea, because people often end up using them as holiday homes.



Farina says that only two children are born in Teora each year, but 20 older people die. テオーラでは毎年2人の子どもしか誕生していないにも関わらず、20人の高齢者が死亡する、とファリーナは述べる


To get the money to help with buying or renting there, applicants must agree to live in Teora for three years and have at least one child.


------------------------Until here news article -------------------------
DMM Eikaiwa 2020, Italian Town to Help Pay New Residents' Rent

’Pick up some words as preparation 

I try to pick up some words because some words might be clues to come up with question and answer sentence.

Example Expressions

転居 moving; changing residence

促進 promotion; acceleration

補助金 assistance payment; subsidiary aid

提示 presentation; exhibit

購入 purchase; buy

希望者 person wanting to do something

物件 property (real estate)

出生 birth

条件 condition; term

Example Question sentence & Answer

If we make a question asking too much detail, and requiring special knowledge, only limited number of people can answer. That is not good question for practice. Thus, I try to make simple question.


The article is describing a town, Teora in Italy. I try to make a question related to a “Town” where you live. That is very simple but good for practice.

Try to explain good thing about your town. Additionally, please explain problem in your town. (It might be better to add explanation why do you think that is good thing and problem.)

Now I try to answer by myself.

I am living in Tokyo. The good thing of living in Tokyo is that public transportation in Tokyo is super convenient.

For example, people can go to almost entire area o Tokyo only by using JR railway and Tokyo Metro subway network. Moreover, public bus services cover large area.

The price of one day pass for Tokyo Metro is just 600 Yen so it is also convenient for travelers.

On the other hand, the problem in Tokyo is higher cost of living than that of any other area in Japan.

For example, in popular areas such as Shinjuku and Shibuya, average rent for even small studio could be more than 100,000 Yen.

In addition to that, price of daily necessities is also expensive. Thus, cost of living in Tokyo is one of problems.

Now, your turn. If you want to practice, try to pick up words, come up with question, answer by yourself, share your writings in the comment section on Reddit or YouTube. It is also good for you to respond to questions posted by other guys.

Go to comment on Reddit

OK, that’s all for today. Thanks for checking. Bye bye.

I will make video or write blog and announce uploading new contents, if you like, please subscribe.

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DMM Eikaiwa 2020, Italian Town to Help Pay New Residents' Rent